My card pull for the week of 1/6/25
The Call - the call comes when we break. It comes to us sooner or later, but it comes. And whenever it happens, we know there is a journey we must undertake. Something deep inside us knows that there is somewhere we should be going. And so, in the end, no matter how long or hard we resist it, and whether or not we think we can, we go because we must. We go, because to stay is to die. = Rooted Woman Oracle by Sharon Blackie
The call is a metaphor. For me, it is a journey of connecting more deeply with my spirit and my soul’s voice. A journey to align my life with my soul’s journey and purpose (more on this word later). To fully be me in the body, in this lifetime. I used to think purpose meant my job or my vocation. That is what I learned from the culture around me. I still remember showing up at Mastin Kipp’s Enter Your Heart retreat believing that I would leave knowing exactly what career path I was supposed to follow. What my purpose was. I remember how pissed and perplexed I was when my purpose statement was this:
My purpose in life is to connect to myself and my higher power and feel the gratitude that results while inspiring others to do the same.
At first, I thought, "How can this be?" I just really need someone to tell me what the right job is for me and what I am supposed to do. By the end of that week-long retreat, I realized that it just wasn’t that straightforward. There are so many courses, retreats, and teachings out there that promise to help you find your purpose. In the years since Maui, one thing has become clear for me. My purpose is simply to be wholly and fully me. If I am honest that statement on created back then reflects how I best embody my soul self, my purpose.
We are born with only one obligation - to be completely who we are. - Mark Nepo
Writing this prompted me to pull out my journal from that retreat. I spent some time reading through it. One of the things in there was a list titled: “To arrive where I want to be in 10 years, I need to”. That was August of 2013. What’s crazy is the things I listed are still my guideposts for feeling allgned in my life now. Even after all these years. Here are some of them:
follow my heart to find my way to serve
Serve as many people as possible
stay connected to my higher power
be honest and open about my path and my beliefs
take care of my body and soul first
take chances
embrace uncertainty
I am not saying that I embody/do all of these things all the time, but these are, to this day, many of the things that are part of my spiritual practice. There are, of course, times when I fall away from my practices. But what I have learned over time is that as someone who aspires to live in her feminine energy, I am cyclical. My energy ebbs and flows. Like the moon, I wax, and I wane. I have found that this knowing allows me to be more gentle and compassionate with myself when I fall away from my practice and live more heavily in my humanness than my spiritual self. I know at some point I will land back in a flow state and connect back in with spirit and my soul self.
I am unsure why I felt called to share this. Maybe it’s as simple as me wanting you to know that your purpose here in this lifetime is simply to be wholly and fully you. To show up as you are. To share your unique light with the world.
Sidenote: Maybe it was also to remind me why I named my business angieandrewsinspire. It comes from my purpose statement from that retreat. Just like me Inspire has grown and changed. It has had ebb and flow states. I am feeling a new iteration evolving now, too.
I would love to hear from you what your definition of purpose is. Does mine resonate with you? How do you view your purpose in this lifetime? Comment below or email me. (link at bottom of page)
Take care of yourself.
Love, Light, and Shadow.
My journal