Let's Work Together
Destination Retreats and Women’s Gathering Circles to connect deeply with yourself and other Women.
Deeply transformative and intuitive, my work includes Reiki, intuitive energy work and aromatherapy to meet you wherever you are in your journey.
Retreats and Women’s Gathering Circles
I host and co-host women’s sharing circles in my community. These gatherings are a safe space for women to gather and share their truths. Circle is often a combination of guided visualization work, sacred sharing and topic based discussions. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to email me (bottom of page) to get on our circle mailing list.
Retreats hold a very special place in my heart. I attended a retreat in 2014 that changed my life. This was the start of my deep desire to not only take better care of myself, but to gather women in sisterhood in a way that honors themselves and provides a safe and nourishing space. You can find updated details on upcoming retreats on my Events page.
Healing Arts & Energy Work
One of my favorite things to share is energy work. I am an intuitive energy practitioner. I use Reiki and my own intuitive gifts to assist people on their healing journey. I am a Reiki Master and teacher.
Reiki is the channeling of universal healing energy through a channel (in this case me). Reiki is deeply relaxing and promotes feelings of peace and harmony. This in turn allows the body to tap into it's own innate ability to heal. Most people report experiencing deep relaxation and shifts in stuck energy after Reiki sessions. These sessions are currently held in my magical yurt nestled in the woods in Fayston Vermont. Sessions last about an hour.
• 1-hour Healing Session includes Reiki and intuitive sharing.
Reiki sessions can also be done at a distance. This is actually one of my favorite ways to offer healing work. Energy is every and therefore we can connect energetically from anywhere. Some of THE most powerful sessions I have done have been done at a distance.
Healing space in the yurt.
Reiki Training
I am now offering Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki training and attunements. I hold these trainings online and in the yurt throughout the year. Please email me for current dates.
The Reiki system I was attuned to and train is Usui Reiki. This practice has literally changed my life which is why I decided to begin sharing this wisdom with others. My hope is that they will then share Reiki with everyone in their life. In tradition Usui Reiki the levels of training are as follows:
Level 1 Training - Shoden - Self healing. Learning to offer Reiki to yourself.
Level 2 Training - Okuden - Inner teaching. learning the Sacred Symbols and the ability to offer Reiki to others as a Reiki practioner.
If you are interested in training you can email me at the link right below to inquire about my next training dates.
Raindrop Technique
Pure Relaxation
Raindrop Technique is a 90 minute healing session that employs, energy healing, light massage and AMAZING essential oils to help relieve pain in the physical and emotional body, as well as helps you to reconnect with yourself and your sense of health and well being. Many of my clients find it to be "Pure Relaxation" Raindrop utilizes a sequence of therapeutic grade essential oils derived from plants. These oils are used on the feet, first by employing vita-flex technique and then dropped on the back through your aura in a meditative way to stimulate the nervous system.
The essential oils are then gently feathered on your back which disperses the oils along the nervous system. This allows you to deeply relax and supports the body to release tension as the oils are gently feather-stroked along the spine and absorbed into your entire body.
Along with this feathering process, you receive acupressure, gentle massage and hot towels in this session, however this is more than a massage, as it is primarily a spiritual energy session. It supports your mind, body and spirit to heal in whatever way it deems necessary. Raindrop Technique generally uses a series of 9 Essential Oils (including 2 proprietary Young Living Essential Oil blends and 7 single essential oils). The Essential Oils are immune enhancing and support the body's natural defenses as they high in antioxidants and are antiseptic, creating an unfavorable environment for harmful viruses and bacteria that can hibernate in the body. The essential oils chosen support the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, and nervous system, as well as help reduce inflammation and pain in the body.
Whether you are looking for relief from physical pain or emotional healing, this session is for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me using the contact link below.
This treatment is done in the yurt or at Mountain Rose. The cost is $111
Hemlock Heaven yurt.
Alchemy Sessions
Over the years, Hera and I have recognized that there is a special frequency that can be achieved when we work together. We know that this is not the first lifetime we have come together with Women in this way. We also know that our skills and offerings compliment each other in a truly harmonious way. We have been working together to build a conscious community of Women. It is our greatest honor to serve our community by gathering women for sharing circles, diving in deeper for weekend and day retreats, and now, by offering these Alchemy Sessions.
These two hour sessions are intentionally created to be completely customizable. No two sessions will ever look or feel the same. Women can select from a menu of offerings to cultivate a personal energy session. The work will begin prior to your session by creating a sacred container for the healing session. We will then be intuitively guided to create these unique sessions based on the information provided by the client.
We are also open to doing small private group sessions. These could be for the two hour alchemy sessions, or a day-long retreat. If you are looking to dive deep with your closest sisters, we would be honored to put together a completely private and custom offering for you. Please reach out.
Hera and I