A Gentle (or not so gentle) Reminder from the Universe


We are all here to feel life fully and deeply.

I am a teacher and a healer, but I am also a student.  I am frequently reminded that I am here to learn about exactly what it is I am teaching to others. It seems that when I start to lose sight of that, I receive some sort of nudge or in some cases, like the past week, I get a smack right up side the head from the universe!

Last week I started out a long travel week to California with a bad head cold.  I was pretty psyched to wake up the day of my flight feeling much better than I had been.  But I was also surprised to find a rash developing on my legs. I really didn’t think much of it.  I have pretty sensitive skin.  That is until I found myself getting ready to fly from New Jersey to Cali with a rash from head to toe.  It traveled up my body fast and was super hot and itchy.  MISERABLE! 

For an entire week I would spend my days training clients only to run back to my hotel at the end of the day and tear of my work clothes so I could soak in a cool tub.  Even after a shot in the ass of steroids and copious amounts of Benadryl and other antihistamines, it was no better. 

So you can imagine, that by the time my red eye home on Friday came around I was More than ready to get home.  As I parked my rental car,  I got an alert from the airline saying my flight was delayed.  Making my tight (1 hour) connection was not looking good.  By the time I got to the ticket counter it was obvious that I would not make my connection and my trip home was in jeopardy. 

The older gentleman helping me was SO sweet.  He was trying really hard to find me alternative flights home that would allow me to catch my 8:30am flight home from Newark the next morning.  As I watched him pound his keyboard, panic started to set in.  I was not in a headspace of acceptance and flow.  I wanted home NOW!  I tried deep breathing.  I was breathing in peace and love and breathing out doubt and fear, but I was still feeling panicked.

Then it happened, the man looked up and me and said, ma’am, I don’t think I am going to be able to get you home tomorrow. 

That was it.  I started to cry.  Tears poured down my face I the reality set in that I would not be home in the morning. 

I would proceed to cry and lose my shit several times before my delayed flight left later that night.

Why you might ask have I chosen to share this story with you.  I have chosen to share it because it shines a light so beautifully on what I teach women every day. 

We are not in control of how things unfold.  Life does not happen on our timeline.  It does not follow a defined set of rules.

It happens in divine order, in divine timing.  Our job is to flow with it and to find peace amidst the chaos.  We need to be willing to be open and surrender to what is in any given moment. I knew that.  I felt a tiny bit of surrender somewhere in my being, but I couldn’t grasp it.

I wanted it my way.  I wanted it on my time.

Once I allowed myself to feel sad and to cry, I was able to let go.  Immediately, I felt peace start to fall back in, despite the incessant itching and exhaustion.  I finished out the trip focusing on how I could best take care of myself in this situation, in that moment.

I plugged back into a space of surrender and trust that all would unfold as it was meant to.

I did not make it home at my scheduled time, but I did get home safely and with plenty of time to hand out with my family.

I am thankful to the divine and the universe for the reminder.  My only responsibility is to know what I choose to feel and create in my life and make choices based on that

How it all unfolds, well that is really none of my business.

Wishing you peace and flow in your life.

Much love.
