Knoll Farm, Waitsfield VT

Knoll Farm, Waitsfield VT


Bi-Weekly Women’s Sharing Circle

Women's Sharing Circle:
Transforming ourselves, transforming our planet...together:

Please join us every other Sunday from 4-6pm for a Women's Sharing Circle. We are currently holding circle in the homes of some of attendees. If you are interested in hosting, please let me know.

Women have been gathering to share their stories with each other for centuries. We crave connection and sisterhood. In sharing our stories with each other, we realize that we are never truly alone in our struggles or in our joy. There are threads that run through all of our lives and our experiences. 

This sharing circle provides a place for women to do just that: connect, share and feel heard.  

Rhythm of the Circle
• Welcome (5 minutes)
• Quieting, Clearing and Centering (10 minutes)
• Guided Unify Heart Meditation (15 minutes)
• Sharing (30 minutes)
• Guided Meditation (10 minutes)
• Sharing (30 minutes)
• Closing, quieting and honoring (10 minutes)

If you wish, bring an item to offer (for instance sage, a special picture, feather or stone). These will populate our central space—and all will be returned to you. Please bring a cushion and/or blanket for sitting on the floor.