
Is it Really as Easy as Taking a Bath?

Life can feel overwhelming and exhausting.  I know in my experience that managing two businesses while raising two boys and running a household can be challenging on many fronts.  It takes conscious effort and a fair amount of work to live in a state of joy and flow.  That said, feeling flow in my life is SO worth the work.

Many of us are looking for an easy solution, a magical pill.  

Well my friend, I can tell you that there is no such thing.   In order to find peace, flow and clarity you have to do the work.  The good news is there are magical ways to make doing the work seem less stressful and more simple.  My number one tool for getting out of overwhelm and a state of feeling stuck may seem too easy.  Do you want to know what it is?  Taking a bath!  Yes, you heard me right.  Taking a bath is one of my favorite, powerful ways to connect back to myself and my inner voice and my sense of calm.

Being in a state of connection with my deeper, authentic voice is the key to my personal and professional growth.

Let me clarify.  I know some of you are thinking wait, she is saying all I need to do is take a bath. That's too easy.  I don't even like to take baths.  Baths are gross.  I can hear all of the counter arguments now.  My go to way of connecting quickly and relaxing my mind and my body is to hop in a epsom salt bath, burn some candles and hang out with my crystals.  That is just MY way. 

There are SO many ways to connect with your intuition and your inner voice.  What you are aiming for with whatever it is you choose is an activity (or lack thereof) that allows you to get out of your head and into your body.  Something that gets you in your zone.

What is your zone?  It is that space where you are no longer "thinking".  You are feeling your way through things.  You are using your deeper intuition.  

Some other ways I know of to tap into your authentic voice are: yoga, walking, cooking, creating art, writing, meditating, running, gardening.   I could go on and on.  You get the point.  Pay attention when you are involved in activities in your life.  Find the ones that feel flowy and meditative.  You will know when you have found one when, at the end of it, you realize time flew by and you weren't even conscious of what you were doing.  

When you find your way of connecting, do LOTS of that!  Make it a priority.  Schedule time each week to fit it in.  

Then pay attention to how you feel afterwards.  Are you noticing more ease and more clarity, less overwhelm?  If so, keep up the good work.  It is so easy to keep ourselves busy these days.  We can easily ignore our intuition by busying ourselves with work, family and life in general.  Ignoring our inner voice can only go on for so long.

What starts out as a whisper from your soul, when not listened to, can turn into a scream or a hit over the head.

That can look like lots of things.  Some of those include: physical and emotional exhaustion, overwhelm, illness, depression, feelings of being lost or stuck.  I am sure all of us have felt some of these at one time or another.  When we live in a state of disconnection for too long, these feelings become our norm.  This is just not a necessary way of being.

My mission is to support everyone I can to tap into their intuition and inner voice and feel deeply connected to themselves and their desires.  That is why I am creating a new online group coaching program called 40 Days to Unearth Your Soul's Voice.   Participants in this course will receive a video prompt every day for 40 days that will offer ways to connect and tap in.  We will have a live call at 20 days and again at the end of the 40 days to talk about how things are going and answer any questions that come up.

Registration for 40 Days is going to open on May 23rd and the course begins on June 10th.  I would love for you to join me.  If you are interested, you can sign up to be on my list here:  That way you will be one of the first to know when it opens.  As an extra gift you will receive my e-book The Seeker's Guide to Radical Self-Care as well.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below.  What are they ways you currently connect with your intuition?  Are you tapping in?  Or do you feel like there is no time for that?  What keeps you from making time for you?

Sending you love and light.
